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Hazardous travel day

Vienna Council conducts business

Published 11:25 am Wednesday, January 27, 2016


VIENNA — Mayor and council members here handled a pretty lengthy agenda for the their second meeting of 2016 when several items up for the board’s approval.
Following the approval of the night’s agenda and minutes from the previous meeting council members got down to the business at hand. The first item requiring the board’s approval was a bid for the lease of 62 acres of farmland adjacent to Hwy 90 as a Land Application System (LAS). The winning bidder would then have to negotiate with the owner of the irrigation equipment as to utilize or remove that equipment.
City Administrator Michael Bowens informed the board that one bid for the lease had been presented for their approval if so desired. The bid came from Mr. Lee Harris for $9,500 to lease the property for FY 2016. Mayor Stripling recommended that the council approve the bid. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Beth English to accept the bid from Harris. The motion was seconded by Councilman Randall Almond and the board approved the bid by a unanimous vote.
Bowens then submitted the city fee schedule to the board for their approval. The fee schedule is a comprised list of the city’s various fees which will be more convenient when citizens have questions regarding city fees. Council voted unanimously to approve the Fee Schedule.
Council members then entered executive session to discuss land acquisition and personnel matters. Upon returning to regular session they tabled a decision on the purchase of the Ford Training Center property to house the city’s public works department.
Next on the agenda was the first reading of both the Wetlands Protection Ordinance and the Groundwater Recharge Area Protection Ordinance. The Wetlands Protection Ordinance is necessary to keep with federal regulations to ensure that the city’s wetlands are protected. Councilman Almond motioned to approve the reading which was seconded by Councilman Walter Brown and unanimously approved by the board.
Council also unanimously approved the first reading for the Groundwater Recharge Area Protection Ordinance. The purpose of the ordinance is to show where groundwater areas are located for building and zoning purposes.
Vienna Community Development Director Janet Joiner then presented her report to council members highlighting two items; Board appointments for five boards for the Community Development were approved. The Council however did not approve a request to apply for a Cemetery Mapping/Ground Penetrating Radar Grant. Mayor Stripling did not recommend the approval due to the city being in the process of building a cemetery. All three phases of the project would have cost in the ballpark of $40,000.
There was some question in regards to speed limits and ticket writing in the city. Chief Cozie Ray updated the council on the situation. English informed she had received more complaints regarding the speeders than the issuance of tickets. Citizens are reminded to follow posted speed limit signs to prevent receiving a ticket.