Justice is served Cry baby’s not allowed
Published 2:35 pm Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Joe Joe Wright
I may have mentioned this before but just in case I didn’t then I will do it one more time.
When the national anthem is played at a ball game or ceremony of any kind it is proper to place your hand over your heart. If you are a member of the military there are different protocols. If you are not an American it is not required. However, if you are an American citizen then put your hand over your heart. If you hate your country and disrespect it that much then maybe you should think about relocating to Syria, Russia, China or maybe Iran. I recently sat next to a woman at the graduation of my son from boot camp at Parris Island SC, the place where Marines are born. The true blue home of the brave. She was across the isle 6 feet from me. As they sang the anthem and other patriotic songs she sat there on her cell phone. She was wearing a Hijab and I was watching her real close. Now it is possible she was a foreigner but she had a kinsman graduating in my sons platoon. The least she could have done was stand her lazy self up.
I really get ticked about this subject, I have been this way all my life. I see it all the time at ball games around here on a regular basis. People not making the simple gesture of putting their hands over their heart are either lazy or unpatriotic. Neither is a good excuse in my book. If you all noticed the game Sunday evening then you surely saw who displayed proper American pride and who did not. This thing called Karma is something else , so watch out for it. In sports a persons true character shows when you lose not when you win. It is very easy to be pleasant and humble and all the other wonderful traits that humans can have when you win, after all your happy. However, when you lose and you feel really bad about the loss and your performance putting on a straight face so to speak is difficult at best.
This is a prime example of mommy and daddy handing out participation trophies so everyone can win. Folks that ain’t life that ain’t real. This country has become a nation of Dr. Spock followers and it ain’t boding well.
Moving on let’s just say that doing a “ little “ dance when you make a big play is ok. I mean football and all sports in particular are about enthusiasm. I love high fives and running jumping into the stands and giving little kids footballs when you score. I think all of America has a little appreciation for these actions. After all it is real easy to do that because you are happy at that moment you are winning.
There is a Quarterback in the NFL that is as gifted an athlete as any around. Arm like a rocket launcher, runs as graceful as a deer and strong as a Buffalo. He can put a team on his shoulders and carry them to victory almost by himself. I believe he needs to get a new box of crayons and some blank paper and go to Peyton Manning’s house and take notes on how to lose with grace and dignity. Winning is the easy part, and to borrow a phrase from a Tom Hanks movie “ there ain’t no crying in football,” grow up. I Welcome your comments!!!