Crisp BOE declares former school as surplus

Published 4:57 pm Friday, February 12, 2016


CORDELE — Crisp County Board of Education members held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 9.
The main item on the agenda was the fate of Blackshear Trail Elementary School, one of two facilities closed after the opening of the Crisp County Primary School.
According to BOE Chairman Scott Forehand the district’s state facility representative Leonard McCoy recommended the facility be phased out of the local facilities plan.
There are a total of 38 classroom unit credits that the district is not earning state entitlement funding for. This is due to the fact that the school is still listed in the local facility plan with no FTE assigned. Board members unanimously approved a resolution to phase out Blackshear Trail Elementary School. The board then voted to declare the school as surplus. This motion was also approved unanimously.
Board members also approved a motion to remain the fiscal agent for Family Connections, which is a state funded designated to compliment and support school programs to help children. Family Connections goals revolve around healthy children, school readiness, school success, self-sufficient families, and strong communities. As the fiscal agent the BOE receives state funds and disburses them as directed by the Community Council Director.
Also on the agenda board members approved field trips for the following groups;
Two for the Crisp County Middle School Band, Crisp County Middle School Choir, Crisp County Middle School and High School Choir, Crisp County High School FBLA, and Skills USA.
They also approved several personnel matters.