Rail themed mural unveiled downtown

Published 3:37 pm Friday, June 24, 2016



CORDELE — Local artists Marsha Mitchell and Cindy Edalgo breathed new life and purpose into an area of downtown by painting a beautiful train themed mural near the SAM Shortline Depot.

Becky Crissman/Cordele Dispatch Mural artists Cindy Edalgo (left) and Marsha Mitchell (right).

Becky Crissman/Cordele Dispatch
Mural artists Cindy Edalgo (left) and Marsha Mitchell (right).

The mural was sponsored by The Georgia Council for the Arts, The City of Cordele, Cordele Main Street and the Crisp Area Arts Alliance as part of the Renaissance Strategic Vision and Planning for Downtown Cordele. Miriam Edwards of the RSVP Steering Committee welcomed everyone to the unveiling of the mural which was followed by an invocation led by Rev. Phil Streetman. Alleyne Tripp, who serves as chairman of the Cordele Downtown Development Authority and Cordele Main Street Director Jeffrey Hester spoke about the project before City Commissioner Jeanie Bartee announced the unveiling.

Mitchell said the mural took every bit of free time the duo had in the month and took about 60-70 total hours to complete.

“When Monica (Mitchel) approached us we were happy to do it,” said Marsha Mitchell. “It gives us an opportunity to be a part of help revitalize our community.”

“We were given a picture to draw from which made it a little easier,” said Cindy Edalgo. “We hope that people will come and ride the train and enjoy the mural. There is a bench where people can come and watch the train come in.”

“We are so happy to have this new addition to downtown,” said Cordele Main Street Director Monica Mitchell. “It is very eye catching and appealing and I think they did a great job. This is just one step in our vision to revitalize Cordele’s historic downtown.”

Mitchell and Edalgo also painted murals at the Georgia Veterans Memorial State Park Museum in 2014.