Fentanyl Campaign Efforts Update 2022-2023

Published 9:21 am Wednesday, February 15, 2023

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CRISP COUNTY- February 14, 2023

“As our agency has been working to combat this epidemic, one thing has become apparent –We can’t arrest our way out of the problem. While the investigation, disruption, and dismantling of criminals organizations that introduce fentanyl, heroin, and other dangerous opioids into our community are one of the mission areas of our campaign, it is only one step. An informed public, willing partners, and an engaged treatment and prevention community are also vital to combating the problem,” stated Sheriff Billy Hancock


Crisp County Sheriff’s Office met with local and state partners before our campaign launch on April 28, 2022, and May 4, 2022. In addition, the agency continues to collaborate with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Crisp County District Attorney’s Office, and the surrounding counties’ law enforcement agencies.


On May 18, 2022, Crisp County Sheriff’s launched the Fentanyl Awareness Campaign. The education component of this campaign included a saturated social media campaign, multiple public information programs at our local schools and civic organizations, and multiple media interviews. In addition to our agency’s social media campaign last year, the Red Ribbon Committee dedicated Red Ribbon Week messaging to Fentanyl awareness.


Total VGCSA Cases: 91

• Fentanyl: 10,900 Pills & 1 Kilo (Investigations lead to an additional 8 kilos in Tift)

• Marijuana: 97 lbs

• Meth: 6 Kilos

• Firearms: 19

• Cocaine: 10 Kilos

• Xanax: 472 Pills

8 Citations: 3,499

Press Releases

• One Arrested After Attempting to Elude https://crispcountysheriff.com/community/press-releases/one-arrested-after-attempting-to-elude-pr-22-009

• Fentanyl Awareness PSA https://crispcountysheriff.com/community/press-releases/fentanyl-awareness-psa-pr-22-012

• Fentanyl Awareness PSA Update https://crispcountysheriff.com/community/press-releases/fentanyl-campaign-efforts-update-pr-22-013

Traffic Stop Leads to Drug Arrest https://crispcountysheriff.com/community/press-releases/traffic-stop-leads-to-drug-arrest-pr-22-027

• Traffic Stop Leads to Drug Arrests https://crispcountysheriff.com/community/press-releases/traffic-stop-leads-to-drug-arrests-pr-22-028

• Traffic Stop Leads to Drug Arrest https://crispcountysheriff.com/community/press-releases/traffic-stop-leads-to-drug-arrest-pr-23-001

Collaborative Efforts

• GBI: Wilcox County Man Arrested for Trafficking Methamphetamine https://gbi.georgia.gov/press-releases/2022-06-23/wilcox-county-man-arrested-trafficking-methamphetamine

GBI: Arrests of Armed Drug Traffickers in Crisp County https://gbi.georgia.gov/press-releases/2022-10-06/arrests-armed-drug-traffickers-crisp-county

GBI: Three Arrested in Drug Trafficking Conspiracy in Crisp County, Georgia https://gbi.georgia.gov/press-releases/2022-11-03/three-arrested-drug-trafficking-conspiracy-crisp-county-georgia#:~:text=Crisp%20County%2C%20GA%20(11%2F,and%20the%20Americus%20Police%20Department

Crisp County Sheriff’s Office Overdose Reports

Crisp County Sheriff’s Office has investigated 8 deaths related to narcotic overdoses from 2022 to date.

Crisp County Sheriff’s Office has helped save 16 lives from 2022 to date by using department-issued Narcan on overdose victims. * To date we have spent $5,000 on Narcan.

ATTENTION: These numbers do not reflect all overdoses for Cordele and Crisp County, as all overdoses are not reported to Crisp County Sheriff’s Office. Crisp County Public Safety entities, the Crisp County Coroner’s Office, and healthcare establishments in the community do not report overdose information to Crisp County Sheriff’s Office.

Crisp County Sheriff’s Office is actively working on two suspected overdose deaths that occurred on Saturday, February 11, 2023. Crisp County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Task Force continues collaborating with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the surrounding counties’ law enforcement agencies to pursue leads related to illegal narcotic activity. “While our efforts are nowhere near complete, our actions prove we are taking this national epidemic seriously. When we launched this campaign, I said we could not do this alone. Those words remain true today. I urge the community to continue to help us raise awareness. Help save a life.”