Wilcox Commissioners hold budget hearing

Published 12:23 pm Thursday, October 10, 2024

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Lucas C. Allison

Dispatch Correspondent

The Wilcox Board of Commissioners met Tuesday October 1, 2024, for a Public FY 25 Budget Hearing at 6PM.  Present for the meeting were Chairman Mel Powell, Commissioners Jamie Handley, Jowan Johnson, Clay Ried and Alphonso Hall, County Manager Michael Pomirko, Elections Supervisor Hannah Price.  The hearing was called to order, there were no members of the public present. I inquired as to what the spending category was that was listed as Youth Investigation and Control Mr. Pomirko that was the School Resource Officer Sgt. Kimberly Lawson it categorized that way for audit procedures.  There being no more comments the hearing was adjourned.

The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 6:30PM.  The past months meeting minutes were approved after being properly moved and seconded.  Next item on the agenda was Elections Supervisor Hannah Price who gave commissioners a recap of activities affecting her office and its operations. This is a new policy commissioners implemented to meet monthly with a different department head and or constitutional officers to keep updated on activities of each, review budgets and resolves and concerns they may affect their departments or office. Mrs. Price  reported that the March 12, 2024, Presidential Preference Primary had a 17.09 percent participation rate, a state audit was done on March 20, 204, no errors were reported, General Primary on May 21, 2024, had a 27.14 percent participation rate, and audit was completed May 30, 2024, no errors were reported. She then gave a legislative update on bills affecting Elections.

House Bill(HB) 974 which mandated security paper must have a watermark on it, also old security paper must be destroyed. The Secretary of States(SOS) office will be storing b allot images for open records requests and all requests for ballot images must be submitted to SOS office. The bill also requires two audits to be completed for every election which has two or more statewide offices on the ballot the audits are a Risk Limiting Audit and a Ballot Imaging Audit. HB1207, requires once ballot proofing has been completed, the election superintendent shall make available the final set of approved ballots for candidates to review to verify that their name and other relevant information is correct and properly displayed.  Senate Bill(SB) 189 requires all absentee by mail ballots accepted and received by Monday prior to the election be and early voting totals must be reported to SOS office by 8pm on election night. She reported there has been no clarification from SOS office as to whether they would have to tally votes from paper ballots or verify the total number of ballots equals the total number voted. This is undecided and in courts now based on new rules passed by the State Election Board recently. The General election will be November 5, 2024, with advance voting October 15,2024 thru November 1, 2024. Saturday voting will October 19, and 26, 2024. All advance voting takes place in the Elections Office in Rochelle.

Mrs. Rachel Templeman was on the agenda to discuss Environment Health Fees recently approved by the Department of Public Health, but she was not able to attend and will be placed on the November Agenda under Old Business.  Mr. Kirk Muscleman inquired as to how a citizen gets on the agenda, he was told to contact County Manager Pomirko, and he would get him on the agenda.  The next item on the agenda was approval of the FY 2025 Budget ,$5,952,726.00 and the special account budgets for E911, Cedar Creek Fire Department, Drug Account, Jail Fund, Juvenile Services Fund, Wilcox County TSPLOST, Willcox County SPLOST, Wilcox County SPLOST2024, Special Project Account, after being properly moved and seconded all were approved unanimously. Mr. Pomirko advised commissioners that the Title VI Transit concurrence letter had been received from the Georgia Department of Transportation. He also noted that commissioners have a workshop scheduled for October 15, 2024, at 530PM, in the commissioner’s office to discuss the Wilcox County Fire Department.  Commissioner Handley made a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss potential litigation after being seconded by Mr. Reid the motion passed. A motion was made to exit Executive Session and approved. Chairman Powell reported no action was taken. Meeting then adjourned.  The Wilcox Board of Commissioners meets the first Tuesday of each month in the commissioners office at the courthouse in Abbeville.