I don’t like the Big TEN
Published 11:45 am Friday, November 27, 2015
By Joe Joe Wright
First of all you have 14 teams in your conference it is way past time to change your name. Now at least you do play a conference championship so you are better off in my book than the Big 12. Who I don’t like either they have ten teams in their conference and call themselves the Big 12. In 2010 when the Pac-10 added Utah and Colorado they changed their name to the Pac-12. So this says to me that they are much smarter than all these other schools.
I am a fan of the SEC and I also like the ACC, maybe it’s location or maybe it’s the kind of ball they play. Now some of the other non power 5 conferences need to get their act together. New Mexico State and Idaho plays in the Sunbelt conference with teams from the east HUH! How dumb. Numerous colleges over the years have aligned themselves with other schools in completely different geographic parts of the country. Of course Notre Dame is still an Independent and they get a big fat contract every year to broadcast their games and make lots of money. O f course this is Americas fault back in the 20’s when Notre Dame was trying to align themselves with a conference no one wanted them because they were a Catholic school so they went out and made it on their own. But Now Notre Dame plays in the ACC in other sports just not football. This all seems wrong to me. Get In or get out.
These conference alignments are causing the playoff system that we have to be less than efficient. Don’t get me wrong it is better than what we had but it needs more modification. I think 8 teams, the conference champion from each of the power five and 3 more at large. This can be done and all ball games over with by the 3rd weekend in January. What’s more you really wouldn’t need a playoff committee. You take conference champions and the 3 highest ranked Coaches poll teams. That’s it done, simple. Surely one of them 8 would have to be the undisputed best team in the country.I Welcome your comments.