Are you kidding Me!!!!

Published 4:21 pm Friday, June 17, 2016

By Joe Joe Wright

Many of you already have heard the story of Rush Propst, but now as Paul Harvey use to say, “ is the rest of the story.” Without a doubt in modern times he is one of the very best coaches in football, high school or college.

5 Alabama state titles in 9 years at Hoover High School. Left over there under scandal came to South Georgia to Moultrie and started new and now has back-to-back 6A state titles. Now folks, Moultrie is a football town them folks down there live for Friday night. That whole area lives for football; every town within 60 miles adores football. Coach Propst has made some mistakes in his personal and professional life but head butting a player wearing a helmet to motivate him isn’t one of them.

It is unclear as to who filed the complaint and calls to Georgia Professional Standards Commission have gone unreturned. I cannot get verification on this but apparently to add insult to injury the parents are not involved in the complaint. That means that somebody with “no dog in the fight” has stuck his or her nose into this to cause trouble. I smell a liberal.

To all you parents out their, I’m sorry but if your baby can’t take a foot in the butt or head butt for motivation, they DO NOT BELONG on a football field, you are raising him to be unable to handle  adversity, criticism or challenge; he will be a lap baby. I raised one daughter and even though Kathleen is as sweet as a Georgia Peach she is tougher than that. Either one of my two boys can chew nails and crap barbwire. Now I understand that who ever it was that filed this ridiculous complaint may not agree with my standards for child rearing, as I am sure they are Dr. Spock babies themselves but this is a horrible decision.

Football is 50% athletics and 50% emotion, motivating players in a game is really more than half of the Head Coaches job. A head coach is your friend, teacher, substitute parent, butt kicker and advisor. A coach has to do them all with equal enthusiasm. This really applies in all sports including girls’ sports as well. The one difference in football is coaches grab facemasks, put foots in butts and yes head butt players (anyone remember the legend Erk Russell). But I digress let me draw a line for our coaches. You are not allowed by any social standard to beat the hell out of one of our kids, if you do you will be heading to jail. You can’t use  filthy disgusting language for the purpose of ridicule of any student athlete. As far as I am concerned grabbing them moving them around yelling at them and head butting is ok. After all there are other coaches out there if you do something and several of them look at you real funny well maybe you might want to check yourself. Other than that have at it.

Just as soon as we allow the sissified manner in which some are coaching football today to take over as the norm, FOOTBALL WILL BE DONE FOR!!!. The game is all about teaching boys how to be men and how to live a life, about how to work with others, about how to put the needs of the team above your own. Life is tough and it ain’t fair and men need to learn that at a young age.

I don’t know a single member of this commission. What I do know is this; there are 18 on the board all appointed by the Governor. It is unknown if any of the 5 male members played football or not and it is almost a for gone conclusion that the 13 women on the board didn’t play as well. My point is this, as a whole you are not qualified to determine if this man violated any rule of misconduct by a Coach. He should be judged by other coaches, lets say 12 like a jury. I realize this creates more bureaucracy but that is better than a lynch mob mentality from people with little to no knowledge about coaching young men. I suggest strongly as a board that you review your self and create a board from through out the state to handle matters such as this one. Part of due process in this country is a trial by peers. You good folks are not his equal or his peers. As always I welcome your comments!joe joe 2