“We The People”
Published 8:16 am Wednesday, August 17, 2016
By Joe Joe Wright
We the people of South Georgia in order to keep our sanity, establish High School football, college football and for our tranquility pro football. We will yell for our common defenses, promote our spread offense and secure the blessing’s of our spouse by doing other unrelated mundane task. We do hereby ordain and establish that football season has arrived in America. THANK YOU GOD!!!!
This has been one long summer and hot! I have been thinking that there is too much time between baseball season and football season. Not the major league baseball season unless the Braves are winning. Watching MLB is like watching paint dry. Most all of you know of some “Christmassy” people i.e. folks who love Christmas. Well that would be my wife Angie she starts getting jittery in September, I mean I have to stop her from putting up decorations and a Christmas tree before Halloween, SERIOUSLY! Well some folks are just like that about football season, I am one of them. Lucky for me Angie loves football as well! Now on Friday night I have a lot to do first of all get to the ball field and take pictures and notes. Then get a statement from coach. Rush back to Dispatch and write story or if it is an away game find a place with Wi-Fi and write it and send it from there to the printers before 11:00pm. Yeah I know the game may not be over till after 10:00pm, it ain’t easy. So for all yall out there that think my job is easy, uh that would be a big NO! I wouldn’t have it any other way though and this season promises to be very exciting. The feverish pitch at which a lot of folks in Crisp County are getting about the coming football season is electrifying. Dooly County people as well are making some noise to as they look to have a good squad before it is all over. Now all the hoopla over the Georgia Bulldogs for this season is a little over board I think. Yes they could win it all but they have huge obstacles in their way before that can happen. Now Ga. Tech is going to be in for a long season and Ga. Southern will be good but not great. Auburn will be vastly improved but still a 9-3 team I am thinking. The Falcons will be better and Tennessee will go on a roll.
In high school I see a lot of improvement for our local football teams. Crisp should stand tall and Dooly County is going deep into playoffs. Friday nights will be a blast around here so yall get ready.