Crisp County Sheriff’s Office held a heartfelt awards ceremony

Published 3:26 pm Monday, November 13, 2023

Staff Reports

Crisp County Sheriff’s Office

On Thursday afternoon, our agency came together for a solemn and heartfelt awards ceremony dedicated to Deputy Tyee Browne and other heroic individuals who courageously responded to the call of duty on that fateful night when confronted with evil. We honored the following individuals with medals:

DFC Lance Spurling: Medal of Valor

SGT Jesse Barfield: Medal of Valor

CPL Michael Telfair: Medal of Valor

TC2 Azaria Mathis: Medal of Meritorious Service

TC3 Kedisha Williams: Medal of Meritorious Service

Deputy Tyee Browne was posthumously awarded the CCSO Medal of Honor and the American Police Hall of Fame Medal of Honor.

Although we are all forever changed, our unity as an agency and a family endures. The notion of family extends beyond our organization, embracing the support networks within our homes and community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Deputy Browne’s family for welcoming us into their lives and considering us part of their family. Moreover, we recognize and value those who trust us with their loved ones, enabling us to safeguard and serve Crisp County. Your unwavering support throughout our healing journey is invaluable, and we appreciate it immensely. #neverforget #C17 #CCSOPRIDE