10 of the best New Years Resolutions for 2024

Published 9:17 am Tuesday, December 26, 2023

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For many people, the start of a new year marks an opportunity to reflect on their life, and think about where they would like to be in the future. And while New Year resolutions may get a bad rap for encouraging unrealistic goals or placing pressure on us, they can also be a great starting point to prioritize your health and wellness on your own terms. That may look like embracing totally attainable goals that don’t focus so much on an overhaul of your current life, but more so make room for slowly adapting new routines and habits that will make you feel great about yourself.

Starting small could look like making an effort to reset your sleep schedule and prioritizing having a bedtime. Or it may start with your home, beginning to organize one room at a time, first focusing on your closet and later getting to your kitchen. Still, it could be as simple as taking control of your thoughts and incorporating inspiring quotes and daily affirmations into your morning routine. In any case, the achievable resolutions below aim to relieve stress, minimize anxiety (not add to it) and improve your overall well-being.

Even if the path to reinventing yourself starts off a little rocky, you can always get back on track at any time throughout the year. So, take the time to scroll through the options below, maybe pick your top five to focus on and remember 2024 is your year, so treat yourself like it!

1: Make time for family.

With the busyness of our daily lives, it can be difficult to prioritize spending time with loved ones, especially if they live far away or have hectic schedules themselves. But this year, make a conscious effort to carve out that one-on-one time, whether it’s by planning monthly family dinners or simply FaceTiming once a week to check in.

2: Build a better budget.

If there’s one New Year’s resolution that will help you the most in the long run, it’s making a vow to save more money. Before you head back to the office in January, outline a rough budget that works for you — and make a plan for how you’ll stick to it. Budgeting apps can help you do this as painlessly as possible. And supercharge your shopping habits by rethinking when and how you buy things for your home and family; often, there are savings you’re leaving on the table.

3: Cook something new each week.

Everyone wants to eat healthier in the new year, but you should also try to eat more diverse foods. After all, variety is the spice of life. This year, choose an easy dinner recipe you’ve never tried before at least once a week.

4: Commit to a healthier sleep routine.

So many issues can be traced back to a poor night’s sleep. And yet, there is so much more that we can aim to improve beyond a reasonable bedtime. Creating a plan to improve your sleep hygiene — the habits you maintain to get good sleep every night — may look different for everyone, as it depends on when you need to be active and working throughout the day. Your brain actually relies on cues to regulate your internal circadian rhythm, and the choices you make throughout the day can interfere with these. Start taking charge of your sleep by mastering these 10 to-dos as the year progresses.

5: Plan a vacation.

Women who vacation at least twice a year have a lower heart attack risk than those who do so rarely. And researchers have found that even thinking about an upcoming trip can boost happiness for weeks.

6: Explore new hobbies.

Another sleepy Sunday? Today’s the day you try Ethiopian food, attend a ballet, or take a painting class — whatever feels fun. When researchers followed 7,500 people for 25 years, they found that those who complained of major boredom were roughly twice as likely to die from heart disease.

7: Head outside without your phone.

In a previous GH survey, 83% of people told us they lost track of how long they spent on their devices. But short of deleting all social apps, it can be hard to trade screen time for more productive pastimes like walking the dog and coffee with friends. Whether you’re Team iPhone or Team Android, download the latest software to access built-in tools that help you track your personal app usage.

8: Be current about the news.

It can be hard to keep up with what’s going on in the world given the lightning-fast news cycles. But it’s more important than ever to stay informed. If you’re sick of sifting through clutter on social media feeds, join Flipboard. Think of it as your personal news hub.

9: Explore new hobbies.

Another sleepy Sunday? Today’s the day you try Ethiopian food, attend a ballet, or take a painting class — whatever feels fun. When researchers followed 7,500 people for 25 years, they found that those who complained of major boredom were roughly twice as likely to die from heart disease.

10: Read more books.

January is the perfect time of year to snuggle up with a new book. To keep yourself accountable all year long, why not link up with friends and peers to connect over the best pages you’ve read? Together, you’ll have a clear snapshot of how many books you’ll end up finishing before the year’s out.

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