Published 8:23 am Monday, February 26, 2024

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Staff Reports

by Britt Brinson

For such a relaxing weekend, our local Boy Scouts spent an eventful few days in an area they had never camped in.  The campout occurred on February 23-25, 2024.

Cordele Boy Scout Troop 270  held its first ever campout in Terrell County, on Mr. Bob Atkins property, along Ichawaynochaway Creek, about nine miles west of Dawson.

The property is the likely site of the Battle of Echowanotchaway Creek which was fought on July 25, 1836.  During the Creek Indian Uprising of 1836, about 300 Creek Indians were passing through Terrell County, on the way to Florida, to link up with the Seminoles.  They were pursued by 132 Stewart County militia, after burning the town of Roanoke.

The militia, under Major R. W. Jernigan, caught up with them along Ichawaynochaway Creek.  A sharp fight ensued, that lasted about an hour.   The Indians retreated, leaving 18 dead.  Three of the militia were killed in the battle.

Scout leader Brady Atkins set up the campout.  The Troop arrived about 9:00 on Friday night and quickly set up Camp, some in tents, some in hammocks, one even on a cot in the woods.  It was a clear, cool evening, with the temperature dropping down to about 38 degrees.  The night was bright, with an almost full moon.

Saturday morning dawned clear and bright.  During breakfast, the Troop helped celebrate the thirteenth birthday of Scout Cody Ngo.  After breakfast, the guys went on a short hike around the property.  Back from the hike, the boys and some of the adults had an impromptu football game.  Everyone broke for sandwiches and chips about halfway through the game.

Near 4:00 pm, the group loaded up for a trip to Andersonville National Historic Site for a candlelight program commemorating the 160th anniversary of the opening of Camp Sumter, better known as Andersonville Prison.  Park Staff and volunteers offered living history vignettes of life as prisoners and guards on the  first day of the prison.  The Crisp County contingent also toured the museum to learn about America’s prisoners of war from throughout our history.  Cody’s parents showed up at the park with a birthday cake, just as the Scouts were heading back to camp, so the birthday party continued just a while longer.

The Troop returned to camp about 9:30, completely exhausted, and went straight to bed.

A full moon shone down on the camp as the temperature dipped to 31 degrees, allowing the campers to earn another cold weather camping patch, their second since the first of the year.

Sunday was another beautiful day.  After a late breakfast, Life Scout Benjamin Nipper conducted a “Scouts Own” church service.  Following the service, the Troop packed up and returned to Cordele.

Scouts on the trip were Landon Atkins, Jake Atkins, Simon Baker, Cody Ngo, and Benjamin Nipper.  They were joined by Scouters  Brady Atkins, Britt Brinson, Terry Fennell, Gerry Nipper, and David Wade.

If you know of a boy, ages 11-17, who might like to “Live Scouting’s Adventure” and would benefit from a program that teaches leadership and service, please bring him to the Historic Cordele Boy Scout Hut any Monday evening,  6:30-8:00.  The Hut is located at 1101 South 3rd Street in Cordele.   Troop 270 is chartered by the Cordele Kiwanis Club.