Troop 270 Attends Merit Badge University

Published 8:23 am Monday, April 29, 2024

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Staff Reports

By Britt Brinson

The South Georgia Council of the Boy Scouts of America held its annual Merit Badge University at Camp Osborn in Worth County over the weekend of April 26-28, 2024. Seven youth members and five adults from Cordele Boy Scout Troop 270 joined over 300 other Scouts and Scouters representing nine Councils and three states at the event.
While many of the Scouts worked on up to three merit badges each during the weekend, thirty-six of the newest Scouts participated in a program called Trailblazer. The Trailblazer program, which was headed up by the adults from Troop 270, helped the new Scouts complete many of the requirements they need to earn the ranks of Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class. The local Scouters were assisted by adults from other Troops in the Council.
Local Scouters who helped deliver the Trailblazer program were Scoutmaster John Frost, Assistant Scoutmaster Britt Brinson, Charter Organization Representative David Wade, and Troop Committee members Brady Atkins and Gene Baker.
Scouts Jake Atkins and Riley Herrick were among the thirty-six Scouts who participated in Trailblazer. While that was going on, Scouts Landon Atkins, Dalton Baker, Simon Baker, and Jacob Frost worked on such merit badges as Chemistry, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Electronics, Fishing, Genealogy, Leatherwork, Nature, and Reptile and Amphibian Study. Forty-five merit badges were offered during the weekend.
Life Scout Jensen Wade, who is closing in on his Eagle Scout rank showed up on Saturday to help with the Trailblazer program and supper.
Troop 270 would like to thank all of the adults that gave their time to teach merit badges and the Trailblazer program.
If you know of a boy, ages 11-17, who might like to “Live Scouting’s Adventure” or would benefit from the leadership and service opportunities offered through the Scouts BSA program, please have him come by the Historic Cordele Boy Scout Hut any Monday evening from 6:30 to 8:00. Troop 270 is sponsored by the Cordele Kiwanis Club.