Space open for Scarecrow Strut at Park
Published 7:45 pm Friday, October 9, 2015
CORDELE — October 1 kicked off the 3rd Annual Scarecrow Strut at Georgia Veterans Memorial State Park and the park is still recruiting participants.
Businesses, civic organizations, non-profit groups, and classrooms are encouraged to design, build and display a themed scarecrow for the community to enjoy throughout the park. The Scarecrow Strut is a time when the community comes alive with whimsical scarecrows and citizens get a chance to “strut our stuff.”
“Last year there was an amazing response from the visitors and many compliments were received on each scarecrow,” said Amanda Sayles Norris, activities director for the park. “We are excited to be hosting the event again.”
You may choose your own site from our designated list of areas. Scarecrows may follow any theme they wish.
Make your scarecrow sturdy, weather-proof including wind-proof.
Attach to your scarecrow, a laminated sign with scarecrow’s name and business/organization it was built by.
Scarecrows may be placed in their designated spot as early as September 29, 2015 and no later than October 14, 2015. If you want to keep them, please take them home on November 3, 2015.
This is a great opportunity for visitors to Cordele and the park to get out and enjoy a relaxing stroll while viewing all of our decorated scarecrows and a great opportunity for the community to come together.With Thomas the Train here and our own Crisp Days of Fall Festival the scarecrows can be seen by thousands of people each weekend. We will have a friendly contest of “fan favorite” scarecrow. The scarecrow that is deemed the ‘fan favorite’ will get a free Lakeview Pavilion Rental to use on the day of their choice. (valued at $175.00)
For more information contact Sayles at (229)276-2372.