City Commissioners meet
Published 12:50 pm Wednesday, March 2, 2016
CORDELE — City Commissioners here held their first regular meeting for the month of March on Tuesday night.
First on the agenda was Sdelphie Gaines who updated the board on the progress of the newly formed semi-pro football team in Cordele known as the Georgia Flashers.
According to Gaines and an associate the team was formed back in October of 2015 after which time they had a draft, picked the team and have begun practices. He indicated the purpose of the team is to set an example for the younger generation in the community and bring some positive outcome to Cordele. Currently there are 50 players on the team from Crisp and surrounding counties. The team is open to players ages 18 and up that may have missed their window to play ball in high school or college. The Georgia Thrashers are a non-profit organization. They participate in fundraisers and other community events. They bring in younger kids to serve as waterboys or watergirls for the team and help get those younger kids involved in something positive and off the streets.
Gaines said they would like to have the city’s support for the team stating they are in need of uniforms and are hoping to procure transportation for when they travel.
Commission Chairman Zack Wade informed Gaines they had a concept going and they just needed to tie up some loose ends. He said the board would take things under advisement for the future.
Commissioner Royce Reeves inquired as to what it would take to make the city’s drive thru window for utility bills operational again. He commented that he had recently witnessed an elderly citizen struggle to get out of their vehicle and go in to pay. City Manager Edward Beach informed Reeves the matter had been looked into a few years ago but at the time to get everything fixed and proper equipment would have cost in excess of $30,000. Commissioners agreed to revisit the matter to see what could be done.
During his action report to the board Beach brought up several items for the approval of the commission;
• Commissioners approved a resolution to apply for the 2016 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. The application will be for a $500,000 grant associated with the revitalization of the Gillespie-Selden neighborhood.
• A resolution for a cash match and cash leverage for the 2016 CDBG was also approved unanimously by the board. The cash match is for $10,000 and is a requirement for the 2016 round of funding. An additional cash leverage amount of $30,000 was requested for the application to be included, making the total contribution by the city to the project $40,000. This money will only be expended if the grant is awarded.
• Commissioners also approved a resolution for conflict of interest because two employees live in the area.