Dooly County eligible for GDOT funding
Published 10:44 am Thursday, August 25, 2016
VIENNA — County Administrator Steve Sanders informed commissioners Thursday the county is eligible to receive funding from the Georgia Department of Transportation. Dooly County is eligible to receive $575,177.46 from the GDOT FY 2017 LMIG Program. The amount, is a 27% increase over the FY2016 LMIG funding received by the county. The GDOT is accepting applications until December 31, 2016.
Sanders also updated commissioners in regards to the box culvert on Roberson Road. The GDOT has approved the county plan to take bids and the county has received a $90,000 check for that project. Sanders requested that the board approve to open a checking account to be known as the 2017 LMIG account to deposit those funds. The board approved the request unanimously. Sanders said he is still waiting to hear back from the GDOT in regards to the bridge on Weeks Road that has been closed for over a year. Sanders said there is a possibility the state could pick up the cost for the bridge.
During the board’s last meeting they were approached in regards to the eligibility of the members of the County Board of Elections. Sanders informed commissioners they have confirmed qualifications of two of those members and are awaiting to hear from the remaining three. Sanders said he hoped to have that information for commissioners at their next meeting.
Sanders submitted a request to commissioners from Dooly County EMS Director Don Williford requesting funds to purchase bulletproof vests for the EMS department. Williford informed Sanders of a recent call where EMS was dispatched to a location. EMS had a patient in the ambulance when another person jumped in, threw the EMT out and started beating the patient on the stretcher. According to Williford there have been other incidents and he has become concerned about the safety of his staff. Sanders advised commissioners that Williford said SPLOST may cover the $8,500 cost of 12 bulletproof vests. Commissioners unanimously approved the request.
Recently commissioners adopted a new personnel policy. Sanders requested the board add forfeited annual leave/sick leave to that policy. The addition will allow county employees who meet the requirements for the Family Medical Leave Act to receive up to six weeks of forfeited (unused) annual/sick leave. Commissioners unanimously approved the request.