Daddy Daughter Dance Set For February 3

Published 2:58 pm Monday, January 16, 2017

By Sherry Evans

Young ladies in Crisp County will dance the night away with their fathers or their father figures on Friday, February 3, at the 17th Annual Crisp County Daddy Daughter Dance.  Crisp County Community Council’s Daddy Daughter Dance is an annual event held the first Friday of each February.  While the purpose of the event is to celebrate the bond a little girl has with her father or a father figure, it also serves as a fundraiser for the Council, Crisp’s local Family Connection collaborative.

GA Family Connection Partnership (GAFCP) is a state non-profit that addresses the well being of children and families in Georgia.  With the assistance of many public and private partners at the state level, GAFCP provides resources in every county in the state so that agencies, organizations, individuals . . . anyone that has an interest in the well being of children and families can collaboratively find solutions, identify best practices and share resources.  Local collaboratives like Crisp Family Connection address the local issues of children and families using sound data that has been provided with the help of the Annie Casey Foundation at

Many partners to include Crisp Regional Hospital, Crisp Chamber of Commerce, Judy’s Small World, and the First United Methodist Church, as well as the Crisp County High School’s CTI students that make up the majority of the volunteers, will come together to make this year’s event an enjoyable time for all.  If you or your business would like to play a part in this important event, contact the Council or 229-271-1054, extension 3.  Tickets are $15 each and must be purchased ahead of time.  Tickets can be purchased at Judy’s Small World or the Crisp Chamber of Commerce.