Wilcox County approved for $7K worth of football equipment
Published 2:05 pm Monday, April 9, 2018
By Lucas Allison, Cordele Dispatch Contributor
ROCHELLE- Wilcox County Commissioners, held their monthly meeting on April 3, 2018.
Sheriff Robert Rogers reported the C.H.A.M.P.S. program was in full swing at the Middle School, and he also reported he has hired a new female deputy, Ms. Kimberly Lawson.
Adam Dowdy, Road Dept. Supervisor, reported the current lease on a motor grader, would be coming up for renewal on July 31, 2018. He stated the buyout of the lease would be $122,000.00, and would not include a warranty. He stated if they turn in this motor grader and begin a new lease, it would allow for 1200 hours monthly use for $2982.40, noting that the lease includes warranty and service plan. The Commissioners scheduled a Workshop Meeting for April 17 at 5 p.m., so that they can review all the road department equipment needs and decide the best way to proceed.
Coroner Janice Brown reported that she had processed two cremations for two deceased in which no family claimed the body. She reminded the commissioners that this cost is paid for by the county at approximately $600 each.
Andrew Sawyer, County Extension Agent, reported that 4-H would be hosting a District BB competition followed in two weeks by a District Shotgun competition.
Paula Jones Ball, County Manager, relayed an update from Chief Magistrate, Shawn Rhodes, regarding the collection of unpaid traffic citations. If a ticket is collected the respective amounts would still have to go in the various judicial funds. He reported for the period June 2010 thru January 31, 2018 the total amount of outstanding tickets is $91,805. The expected recovery rate would be 30-50% of total outstanding tickets, the most recent delinquent tickets total is $62, 595.00.
Michael Pomirko, Recreation Director, thru the County Manager reported that he had applied for a grant through a program call “Let’s get Playing” for recreation equipment. He also reported that a donation from Irwin EMC for $2000 will be used to do work and maintenance on the fields.
Also, in regard to an application he made to Good Sport/Atlanta Falcon Equipment Donations, Wilcox was approved for $7000 worth of equipment, some of which is 24 flag football belts, 30 Air Standard helmets, 71 youth and adult football jerseys, 12 packs of Gopher wiffle balls, 40 various size receiver gloves, 100 youth mouth guards, 5 Nike Football Play Coach and 5 Nike Vapor One Footballs.
Rev Joey Boney, Pastor of Siloam Baptist Church, requested the commission sign a Proclamation designating May 03, 2018, as a National Day of Prayer. He gave a brief history of the National Day of Prayer. He stated in addition to the request they would like to hold an observation of National Prayer Day on the courthouse steps during the noon hour. He also stated the observance was all inclusive to all faiths and persons, and that anyone interested in being a part of the program could contact Rev. Boney. The commission approved the request.
A proposal from Spotless Cleaning Service of Macon to clean, polish and restore marble floors in the courthouse had been received, but there was a difference in the amount relayed by phone and in the written proposal. County Manager Ball, stated the company was only one that deal with the marble floors. The matter was tabled for further verification.
A transit vehicle maintenance plan for Transit vehicle 5311 was modified to comply with warranty to meet DOT qualifications. It will reflect 5000-mile oil changes and 30,000-mile transmission service. The motion was approved.
A space agreement for Heart of Georgia Community Action Council for the Community Service Center was the next item on the agenda. The agreement is for 450 square feet office space and 200 ft. parking space. Heart of GA will pay 7% of utilities, all building maintenance inside and out, and provide liability insurance and contents insurance of rental. Also, a space agreement for Middle GA Community Action Agency for Wilcox Head Start, which includes 2682 square feet and a parking space was discussed. Heart of GA will be responsible for building maintenance inside and out to include HVAC, and provide liability insurance and contents insurance. They also will pay 41% of all utilities. The commissioners approved both space agreements on a motion.
The Superior Court Judges budget was submitted and approved for 2019 with no increase from 2018.
County Manager Ball reported Judge Chastain had requested that courthouse security be improved especially on court day. Sheriff Rogers, advised he was working on a new Security Plan for the Courthouse and it should be completed by the end of month. After much discussion it was decided all persons entering the courtroom would be scanned using handheld scanners. No weapons are allowed in the courthouse except for the ones used by law enforcement. This is to include pocket knives, scissors etc. Sheriff Rogers stated they will start with the handheld scanners but eventually the county would need to purchase a walk-thru scanner.
Proposed By-Law changes for ACCG were then presented to commissioners for review, as they will be voted on at upcoming meeting of the ACCG.
County Manager Ball reported the Road Department has new software, and the secretary is conducting inventory and entering all into system. Then as each delivery is made it will be entered and as each part is used it will be removed from inventory and will be charged to whatever project or vehicle it is used on, which will enable everyone to know exact project costs and vehicle maintenance costs. It will also be used in controlling fuel deliveries and use. A road maintenance program is also being instituted, in which everything that is done to a road will be logged then when someone wants to know we can pull up record and show where pipe was installed, last time road scraped etc. Hopefully by October we will have all these systems in place. Chairman Keene stated he was by the sign shop the other day and they are doing a great job out there. This led into a discussion on the county requiring the installation of address number signs at each residence and business in the county. Adam Dowdy will look into cost per sign and report back so a way to proceed can be determined and distribution of same.
County Manager Ball also discussed the placing of GPS equipment in ambulances which reflects the exact screens that Wilcox 911 dispatch is looking at. The cost is $500 per machine, also talked of trying to get Google Earth to correct the names of several county roads.
Chairman Keene gave high compliments for road department secretary and sign shop operator, he said he is very proud of the work she is doing. He also said as commissioners make contact with the various department heads and employees need to make sure we let them know how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication.
There will be a Workshop meeting April 17, 2018 at 5 p.m. in Commissioners meeting room. The Wilcox Commission meets the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the Commissioner meeting room at courthouse.